Sunday, January 01, 2012

Raison d'ĂȘtre

Morning walk during a visit in
Sabang, Puerto Princesa, Palawan
for a research (2012).
Back-breaking bus and motorcycle rides, sleepless nights waiting for early morning plane trips, worried rush trying to catch a ferry... are all these travel discomforts really worth the while? Just like what any traveller would say, the experience makes everything worthwhile. There is, however always the risk of losing certain parts of it especially when there is not enough thought put into that travel. One can never have the same exact memory of something every time she tries to remember it. Notes, journals and photos help reconstruct if not exactly retain memories of travel experiences. And by writing these down on here, I hope that more people would get to see the footprints I am leaving behind the travels I make.

There are a lot of stories to tell. And the longing to share these stories is as huge as my regrets of not having asked enough stories from my parents and grandparents. I am not be the most articulate storyteller, but I am eager to let these stories elude whatever confines, and hopefully be able to simply share. Most of them will most likely be itinerary tips, some nostalgic indulgence which you can just skip in case, and perhaps information relevant to what I do at work, working with indigenous communities. If I verge on the non-sensical side of blog posting, you can skip that too. But you will have my utmost gratitude for sending me honest and constructive feedbacks. And of course, for simply dropping by.